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Ruth Harnish

Ruth HarnishWhere do you Live? Lancaster, PA

Since:  1994 was the year we began our B&B. I grew up here in Lancaster County about 8 mile from our present location. For the first two years of married life we moved to a small community west of Philadelphia where we honed our skills in serving others. Then we moved back into the area where we both had a rich heritage.

Why did you choose the city / state you now live in? We love Lancaster County for its’ varied and mixed cultures, peaceful countryside, attractions and points of interest close-by, and the wealth of local foods.

What do you love most about where you live?  With Lancaster being a travel destination area, there are many venues here – we don’t need to travel far to see great shows. There are several theaters, various festivals, and concerts to attend or speakers to hear. I love the serenity of the farmlands and acres of vineyard all in close proximity.

What is your favorite restaurant in your town? Olde Greenfield Inn or Gibralter

What is your Age Group: 60+

What is your favorite All Time Movie? I’m not much of a movie watcher – too many other interesting things to be doing.

Do you have any Pets?  We have no pets. I was a “good” Mom and had varied kinds of pets when the kids were young, but when they left the house to begin their own lives, the pets left too. Not interested anymore!

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? Gardening, travel, tandem bike riding, genealogy research

What is your favorite season and why? It’s a tie between Springtime when the earth is becoming alive again and stirs up my gardening emotions OR the Fall with the gorgeous colored leaves.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Help to pay for my grandkids college and then travel.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Technical how-to’s…to be able to do aspects of my website and all the different programs.

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? William & Kate’s wedding

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? I’ve been mistaken for several persons, not a celebrity.

Where do you work? Flowers & Thyme Bed and Breakfast

What is your title? Co-owner/Innkeeper

How long have you worked there? 20+ years

What do you love most about your Job? Meeting our many guests who come from all over the world.

What is your Experience and Background in the Travel Industry? In the early years when tourism began here in Lancaster County, we opened our home as a guest house because there were not enough hotel rooms available. We did that for 5 years before closing because of our young children. When the kids were in school, I worked as a bookkeeper where I learned more of the business details needed in running a business. For the domestic side, I was raised on a farm with a large family so my skills of cleaning and baking were honed early on. While the kids were home, we traveled extensively and learned to know many of the areas from which our guests now come from. I’m also a member of several B&B Associations in our local area and a member of our tourist bureau where I am on several committees.